Welcome to Jordan Construction, Inc. - Excavation Contractor & Consultant
655 Wiscasset Road
Boothbay, Maine 04538
655 Wiscasset Road
Boothbay, Maine 04538
For over 37 years Jordan Construction has established a high standard of quality workmanship and integrity. The owners Alden and Carole Jordan are always on the project site doing the actual work or supervising our experienced work crew. Alden is highly recommended for his excavation work as well as his consultation services. Alden works hand and hand with local Realtors offering soup to nuts for customers looking to purchase a home or land for their building project.
We are a small company and in that, we can concentrate on each project and make sure the job is done to the customers satisfaction. Whether your looking for an entire building project, a septic system, driveway, landscaping, or consultation services, Jordan Construction does it all.
Alden started in the construction business in his twenties laboring for a company laying the water and sewer lines in the Harbor. Alden quickly worked his way to up foreman, and eventually started his own company.A native of Boothbay Harbor, Alden's knowledge of the area is invaluable when it comes to finding the best building site for your new home or building project. He helps with permits and septic designs, as well as providing a quote for complete site work, from clearing land to hardscape and is always happy to recommend builders and designers for your project.
Alden started Jordan Construction 38 years ago after working 18 years as Foreman for local excavation companies as well as Florida based companies.
In Loving Memory
Co-Owner and machine operator. Carole worked for many years with Alden for other construction companies before they joined forces to create Jordan
Brian has been trucking for Jordan Construction for 25 years. He and his wife Anne are the proud parents of their daughter Eve.
The face behind the voice that answers your call.
Proud Grandmother of 3. Karen is the Office Manager/Bookkeeper. She stays busy keeping the office in shipshape and the crew on schedule.
When she is not in the office she can be found tending her flower gardens.
Cy, Archie and Jesse J. If they are not out on the site meeting you and surveying your property, they are in the office keeping a watchful eye out for Daddy to return. Our Beloved Bella keeps a watchful eye from heaven.
We are so thankful that Alden worked with us when we were purchasing our land to build on. In walking the property with us we showed him where we thought the house should go. Alden took our property survey and showed us that if we cleared some trees we could place the house higher on the lot and have a water view. We never would have realized that if he hadn't worked with us. Best decision we ever made to work with Jordan Construction. Bob and Donna M. Connecticut.
Building a new house on the coast of Maine is not a simple task. You have to consider site selection, site design including drainage and septic, shoreland zoning/permitting, trees, and rocky terrain. Alden was with us the first day we walked the property, and had a vision of what was possible. Jordan Construction was with us every step of the building process including site clearing, driveway building, blasting/crushing granite ledge, septic construction, underground utilities, foundation blasting/digging, and finish grading and landscaping. The Jordan Construction team is expert at what they do, and they did it on-time and on-budget. We couldn’t be any happier with the finished product, and highly recommend them for your project. Alden’s vision has become the coastal Maine property of our dreams. Scott & Kierstin Y. PA
Site work- Foundations-Septic Systems-Driveways-Hardscapes-Landscapes-Consultation Services-Where To Build-What You Need-When You will Need It. Who Will Build It. Jordan Construction and Excavation in Boothbay
Who, What, When Where, How
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
655 Wiscasset Rd, Boothbay, Maine 04537, United States
Office: 207-633-6558 Alden: 207-350-3816 Email: jordco@roadrunner.com
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Dec-March 1st by Appointment
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